
Kambo Uses


Traditional Use

Traditionally Kambo has been used in South American tribes for removing ‘Panema’ - a native word meaning negative energy or bad luck and for ‘Hunting Magic’ - as the natives believe it gives them increased speed and stamina. They also believe that the cleanse makes the hunter invisible by eliminating their body odour.

They use it from a medicinal point too, aiding in treatments for malaria, snake bites, infections, fevers, pain relief, improved fertility, to generally cleanse and detox and to strengthen the mind and body.

Spiritually speaking Kambo works in a very mystical fashion and is described as ‘a light that opens the way’, aiding us all to overcome life’s challenges and releasing blockages on an emotional level. It clears our auric field and realigns our chakras allowing us to break habitual patterns and live and think more clearly. 

Western Use

Research which began in the 1980’s, has shown Kambo to host a whole cocktail of bio-active antimicrobial short chain amino acids known as peptides. These peptides have a positive affect on the body stimulating the gastrointestinal muscles, blood circulation, the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland in the brain; and in turn have been proven effective against drug resistant strains of bacteria, fungi, parasites and virus. In terms of combating infectious diseases this is proving very promising in the development of nanotechnological-based therapies.

This body of work has shown Kambo is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anaesthetic substances found on earth and as a result one of the strongest, natural ways to strengthen our immune system. It also detoxifies the liver and the intestines and therefore a powerful cleanser. 

Clients currently come to Kambo to aid in the treatment in the following areas:

  • Addictions

  • Anxiety

  • Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

  • Auto-Immune Diseases

  • Blood Circulation Problems

  • Cancer

  • Chronic pain

  • Deeply rooted toxins

  • Depression

  • Diabetes

  • Fever and Infections

  • Hepatitis

  • HIV and AIDS

  • Infections

  • Infertility

  • Migraines

  • Organ diseases

  • Rheumatism

  • Vascular Conditions

Immediate and short term effects which can range from days, weeks and sometimes even months include enhanced:

  • Alertness; Including Heightened Sensory Perception

  • Clarity

  • Energy

  • Focus

  • Increased Mood

  • Increased Stamina

  • Increased Vitality

  • Inner Stillness

  • Resistance to Hunger and Thirst

  • Resistance to Stress

Longer lasting effects of Kambo including empowering the immune system by returning the body’s defences to their natural functionalities. Thus relieving existing health problems and preventing future conditions.

Since it’s introduction into the west billions of dollars, euros and pounds and nearly four decades of research have been poured into the development of a synthetic version of the secretions, to date no one has managed to reproduce the original!

Research and developers believe that Kambo will one day contribute to the more mainstream treatment of many of the medical issues mentioned above.

For more information of the research conducted on Kambo please follow the link below.

Kambo in its original, natural form is a holistic treatment that works on the mind, body, energy and spirit at all levels in ways that we don’t completely understand yet. The native peoples of the Amazon are quite right to use the word ‘magic’ when describing this substance.

Is Kambo Safe?

In the right hands Kambo is incredibly safe.

Most practitioners have an extensive prescreening protocol to highlight any potential complications and although this may seem like a tedious process it is of paramount importance, if your practitioner is not asking questions either directly or in the form of a questionnaire this should raise a red flag for you.

‘It’s true that there have been accidents in the past and that people have died but the number is very small and the circumstances of these deaths have shown that Kambo should not have been given to them because of their pre-existing health conditions. This applies to all medicines, natural or pharmaceutical, there are always contraindications. Not only is it important for the person giving Kambo to understand these contraindications but it is also important for people taking Kambo to disclose all their health issues to the practitioner. In this way, we can ensure that no more mistakes happen. ’
