Our Kambo ceremonies incorporate a mix of traditions taken form South American tribes and adapted these flavours for a western audience. As part of your session we will use a variety of incense and fragrances as well as the offer of other tribal modalities such as, Sananga and Rapé (Hapay). If you have any questions or concerns regarding these aspects please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Preparation, Ceremony & Aftercare Guide

Kambo is a powerful experience and that can be optimised or hampered dependant on our preparation and integration.

Below is a guide to stay safe and get the best out of your experience. Some of this guidance is mandatory as these aspects carry health risks and some are advisory, meaning they will support the process.

If you have any questions or require any clarity please get in touch with one of the team.


Mandatory [For 48-72 hours prior to your arrival]

  • Refrain from the use of

    • Caffeine

    • Alcohol

    • Recreational Drugs**

** Please bear in mind some recreational substances require a cooling off period before sitting in ceremony. As an example Bufo requires an 8 week wait and Cocaine requires a 3-4 day break. Cannabis and Psilocybin area little more forgiving. Although we don’t personally judge or advocate these substances, it is important you discuss any recreational use with us prior to your ceremony, as this can cause complications.

Advisory [For 24-72 hours prior to your ceremony]

  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, and remove:

    • Dairy

      1. Eggs

      2. Meat

      3. Processed foods

      4. Refined Sugars

  • Avoiding

    • Social media

    • Large social gathering

    • Strenuous exercise (with the exception of work related activity)

Additional Considerations…

  • It is encouraged to journal, meditate or take time for quiet contemplation to focus on your intentions

  • All preparations can be extended for better results

What to take to the Ceremony

  • A water bottle (1 litre is best with an invitation to avoid single use plastic)

  • Comfortable, loose fitting clothing

    • layers are best and avoid tight or restrictive attire

  • Removing jewellery beforehand

  • Please bring a cushion/pillow and blanket for resting

  • An item to place on the alter (optional)

On The Day

  • We must fast for 8-10 hours prior to our ceremony

    • Which includes all food and drink (with the exception of water and non-caffeinated herbal teas)

    • And on the day of ceremony keeping liquids to a minimum. A couple cups of tea is fine, but for safety we want to avoid taking on large amounts of fluids


  • Following your ceremony we provide a nutritious meal; that being said for the 24 hours after your session it’s a good idea to think about re-hydrating and replacing electrolytes lost during your purge, again avoid process foods and drinks and focus on natural fruits, honey and various sea and vegetable salts.

    • Continue to avoid stimulants such as caffeine

    • Refrain from the use of recreational substances (with the exception of tobacco)

    • We recommend increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables and avoid dairy, eggs, meat, processed foods and refined sugars for at least 48-72 hours following your ceremony, with the invitation to extend that further

  • If you keep or have started a journal as described, meditate, walk in nature or enjoy quiet contemplation, we encourage you to continue these exercises to support your integration when returning home

  • To continue to abstain from media consumption both mainstream and social, strenuous exercise and social gathering for at least 24 hours